We want and need to start another survey - in the area of DMX interfaces. The reason has to do with the current development for the final version of DMXControl 3.3.0. But why?
Who of you was watching our livestream? Yes, that's right: we are proud to present the first release candidate of DMXControl 3.3.0. But watch out: there may still be bugs.
Each new version of DMXControl 3 always introduces new exciting changes. But in exchange, our developer team also has to get rid of some old stuff, in this case: Windows 7.
We told you that we talked to various manufacturers at this year's Prolight + Sound to move the whole project forward. At this point, a direct thanks to Luminex and Trendco!
Now that the beta test for the upcoming version DMXControl 3.3 is running, we would like to take a first look into the future - and need your support and opinion.
With DMXControl 3.2.0, German finally found its way into the user interface thanks to a reasonable implementation solution. However, this does not remain so with DMXControl 3.3.0. Therefore, the question: Est-ce que tu parles français? Oui, bien sûr. Je parle français aussi. Et DMXControl 3.3.0? Bien sûr, également.
Our developers are still working hard on our new DMXControl 3.3 version. So today we can announce a good, but also a bad news. Read all about that in this news.
Our development team continues to work diligently on the upcoming version for DMXControl 3. In the first weeks of this year, there was even so much time available that our systems really ran hot - despite partly difficult circumstances. A review and a thank you.
An important team in our association work is the beta tester team. For us and probably also for you it is very important that our software not only gets new features but also runs stable and reliable. We are looking for motivated people for the team, who want to support us.
Unfortunately we have to postpone the livestream "Live-Coding mit Arne! #2" by one week to 10.4.2021 at 8pm. We apologize for this inconvenience and hope that you will still join us on the new date.
We say Salut, Hola, 你好, こんにちは, Ciao, Hej, Hallo, Привет, Xin chào and nuqneH to the new languages in DMXControl 3! And you can help us with the translation.