We proudly present: DMXControl 3.3.0 - the third release candidate!
- LightningBrothers
Several months have already passed since the publication of the second release candidate of DMXControl 3.3.0. In between there was also our annual meeting in Destedt, where the version was getting quite hot. Three of our members had prepared different shows on their computers and consequently worked on the project and with RC2 in three different ways. The timecode player also made its first major appearance in our group, whereas the previous livestreams had been rather small previews - especially in view of the size of the setup.
Even though the version was still quite stable overall - both in terms of programming and the actual shows - the devil is in the detail, as we all know. This allowed one or two bugs to be brought to light or better understood. Examples include the problem with the non-functioning PWM static effect or the intermittent crackling of the audio signal when playing a timecode show. Some of the knowledge gained during the preparations was then incorporated directly into the released version in the form of corrections. In addition to the points that were fixed in the context of our annual meeting, the export of projects now works (again). This point had caused irritation for many of you, especially if you wanted to report problems to us and attach your project.
What has happened in the meantime?
In addition to general improvements and corrections, DMXControl 3.3.0 RC3 fixes the following bugs and optimizations that were noted in our bug tracker:
FS#5252 : Input Selector: Kommawerte für Bezeichnung von Inputs zulassen- FS#5265 : Verwaiste Graphen werden ohne Info gelöscht
FS#5271 : Sechs-stellige Zahlen werden als HEX-Farbe interpetriert und in RGB-Farbe konvertiert- FS#5284 : Export von Projekten unmöglich
- FS#5304 : Bestimmte Cues lassen sich nicht im Cue Timing Editor bearbeiten
FS#5305 : Switch Device regiert nicht auf Programmer Eingänge LUMOS und NOXFS#5312 : Dirty Flag Timecode PlayerFS#5313 : Sonderzeichen im Namen einer Show zulassen oder unterbindenFS#5314 : Showdaten von Timecode-Show verbleiben nach Umbennen in ProjektdateiFS#5316 : PWM static Effekt defekt (reagiert nicht mehr auf ParameterMaster)FS#5339 : Ändern der Größe von Objekten in der Stageview führt zu fehlernFS#5341 : Konsolenfenster kann über X geschlossen werden- FS#5345 : "Can't add Group"-Log beim Versuch, Szene zu speichern
FS#5346 : Audio knackt bei Wiedergabe
One issue that we have not yet been able to resolve with this version is the problem with the DMX interfaces from Eurolite and Enttec, which do not yet work with DMXControl 3.3.0 again. We hope that this problem will be solved with the next release candidate.
What should you look out for?
In our news about the release of DMXControl 3.3.0 RC1 we have already given you a few important tips along the way. These also apply with the release of this new version.
The download links
DMXControl 3
- Release Candiate 3: https://dmxcontrol.de/en/downl…dmxcontrol-3-3-0-rc3.html
Final words
Although the changes may not seem particularly extensive or even spectacular at first glance, this is another important step towards the final release. We hope you continue to enjoy working with DMXControl 3.3.0 and also hope that this version confirms the general trend for you - namely that there are no more fundamental problems. Nevertheless, if you notice anything, please ask or create a ticket in our bug tracker.
Yours DMXControl team
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