Association News - 21_CW46 - A detailed review of our first real Convention

We were so happy to finally meet again live and in color after such a long time. It had something special and perhaps magical, because it made us all so once again aware after we last came together in the whole group in May / June 2019 in Berlin. In the end, we all agreed that what makes our club meeting is really only possible at a real meeting - with all imaginable consequences.

During our first real meeting you could already follow a little bit what was going on. All this, which we showed you in the individual news, can now be found in a collected work - paired with exciting pictures. By the way, we also had to deal with the current pandemic situation for this meeting. You can also read about the background to this. All in all, our meeting report on the second annual meeting in 2021 now provides a comprehensive picture, which may also whet your appetite for more.

So have fun reading! Your :dmxclogo DMXControl Team :dmxclogo
