Timecode Player

  • Hi guys, I've just watched the live stream (with the subtitles converted to English because my German isn't great!)

    I just wanted to say congratulations Patrick and the rest of the team on developing the Timecode Player, I've been looking forward to this since you first announced it and it looks like you've done a fantastic job. I look forward to exploring this properly - it's going to save me a huge amount of time programming complex lightshows!

    All the best,


  • Dear team, thanks for this great update. I had a quick look at 3.3RC and Youtube stream, it looks like fun and efficient.

    About external timecode, of course it's required because it's hard to perform everything in one software only. But on my side, I think that I'm going to prepare cuelist sync in DMXControl and trigger the main cuelist by MIDI event when it's ok.

  • About external timecode, of course it's required because it's hard to perform everything in one software only.

    You are right and we definitely plan to add external timecode support some times. The current implementation is a first pitch and we will keep extending the software with functions like this. But if we had implemented it in the first place, the release would be further in the future. That's the reason for this step by step approach :)

    But on my side, I think that I'm going to prepare cuelist sync in DMXControl and trigger the main cuelist by MIDI event when it's ok.

    Many ways lead to Rome ;) so there are multiple ways in DMXControl 3 to get your projects done. So this way is perfect, if it is perfect for you in your specific use case :)

  • I think that I'm going to prepare cuelist sync in DMXControl and trigger the main cuelist by MIDI event when it's ok.

    I personally did a show as an OP in November, where for each song in the main cuelist in the first cue an individual midi note was saved for each song. (I had a dummy generic dimmer for each song and connected it to the midi channels in the IA). I then sent these via MidiRTP - it's a pain to fix Midi RTP if it doesn't work - to another device - in this case a Mac running QLab - where the audio was started in sync with the light. That works great. In my first workflow for this show, I had also integrated the TCP and then sent a Midi note via MidiRTP from the IA as soon as the respective show was running in the TCP. To test the synchronicity, I also ran a click track in the TCP and in QLab; we couldn't detect any asynchronicity with a human ear. I'm sure JPK will remember this somewhat curious test

  • Hello, I think that my initial idea


    I think that I'm going to prepare cuelist sync in DMXControl and trigger the main cuelist by MIDI event when it's ok.

    is finally not a good idea ...

    I made a Timecode show with cuelist tracks and executor tracks but now ... I don't have a parent cuelist that I could call from Input assignment.

    My idea was to trigger a Timecode show play but it's not currently available in Input assignment. The only way I could run my tymecode show could be to create it with only one cuelist track. But using multiple cuelists and executor tracks is very useful.

    Is there a future plan to allow triggering Timecode show from Input assignment ? (it could be considered as a Cuelist)

    Now, I have two options while timecode show triggering is not possible:

    • think in the opposite way: use DMXControl as the master, send a MIDI fake note to my external system (Steinberg VST Live which will be the slave) that will start video and audio tracks
    • or record DMXControl DMX outputs to Steinberg VST Live: this workaround is limited because it will not be easy to live interact.
  • Can you explain why the way over midi triggers doesn't work for you? I use this for a little Live Setup and its works fine for me.

    You can trigger executors with midi and assign a Timecodeshow to an executor.

    Wow, amazing, you gave me the missing information: Timecode show can be controlled by executor !!! Many thanks, it's exactly what I was not aware of.

  • I don't know why you think, there is no direct way to control timecode shows with the Input Assignment. Actually, there is a way (you can see it in the attached screenshot. There you can control the timecode show directly. You can even see the status of this timecode show (state, duration, elapsed time and if it is in recording mode).

  • I don't know why you think, there is no direct way to control timecode shows with the Input Assignment. Actually, there is a way (you can see it in the attached screenshot. There you can control the timecode show directly. You can even see the status of this timecode show (state, duration, elapsed time and if it is in recording mode).

    nutzer99 give me the executor way and now, JPK give me another way ... many thanks, it's more than I hope.