Hello again about encoders ... I'm back about it with (RC3 release).
I'm trying to set an X-Touch MINI from Behringer in Mackie Control mode: encoders send the MIDI value from 1 to 6 for increment and from 65 to 71 for decrease.
My issue is that, for example, with clockwise increment, only the value 1 is understood/captured. Explanation:
- I move slowly my encoder: the value 1 is sent, it works, the encoder value increment is applied,
- I move more quickly my encoder: the value 2 (or 3 or 4, ... depending "force") is sent but not captured by DMXControl because it's only waiting for the value 1 or 65.
Is there a way to manage such encoder mapping ? The issue is that when I move quickly the encoder, nothing happens.