Association News - 22_CW20 - Count down is started

After our big annual meeting in 2019, the annual meeting in the following year was supposed to take place in the south again. As is well known, this did not happen and so the venue was defined three times as follows: Meeting is where there is internet. Fortunately, it was possible and allowed for us to hold the annual meeting in Loitsche near Magdeburg in August 2021. This was a compromise in the sense that a long-term reservation was not possible at that time.

Now things have changed. It became apparent much earlier that we would be able to meet again on our traditional date - namely over the Ascension weekend. Accordingly, the decision fell on the desired venue: the youth center in Stuttgart-Vaihingen. The last time we were there was in 2015, so now we would like to take a look again. In addition to the largely familiar premises, the location is also advantageous in another respect: we will be able to enjoy excellent specialties from a very good and large grill - or more precisely, a smoker. Here we only have to agree together which dish we will prepare on it or in it on Saturday.

Apart from that, there are a few obligatory points, such as our annual general meeting, as well as working and discussing together as a team and in various small groups. Fun and games will definitely not be neglected. So be curious what we will report from time to time live as well as then in the follow-up of the meeting.

Your :dmxclogo DMXControl-Team :dmxclogo
