DMXControl Convention 2021 - Special No. 10 - A relaxed last morning

Four days of continuous video conferencing with glowing Internet lines and hot webcams are already drawing to a close. This morning was characterized primarily by loose work on various points, which was interrupted again and again by small discussions. Actually, already self-evident is among the topics the exchange about the current situation. But a very popular and always very interesting topic is the field of technology and the often-resulting personal working methods. Unbeaten, however, remain reports from one's own study and training times.

Of the productive topics, the focus this morning and at noon was on generating new lines of code to further improve functions or to fix newly found problems. Of course, this also included parallel testing in the inventory in order to be able to better isolate errors. The exciting thing here is again and again that the trained looks into the current code base allow quite exact statements about since when and also where some errors exist.

For the afternoon there is also nothing fixed planned. Presumably, the marketing team will meet again in a short round, until tonight another look into a development team is scheduled quasi as a conclusion of the meeting.

Your :dmxclogo DMXControl team :dmxclogo
