Alternativen zum Magic Easy 3d Visualiser?

  • Guten Morgen,

    gibt es gute Alternativen zum Visualiser der mit Dmxc kommt? Ich bin mit dem nicht wirklich zufrieden und würde mich gerne nach einer Alternative umsehen.

    Der Visualiser sollte natürlich mit Dmxc funktionieren, also ArtNet fähig sein und die Möglichkeit haben, eigene Fixtures zu erstellen. Kostenlos oder zumindest günstig wäre auch gut, aber schreibt doch mal was ihr für Visualiser kennt/nutzt!

    LG Erik

  • Guten Morgen,

    gibt es gute Alternativen zum Visualiser der mit Dmxc kommt? Ich bin mit dem nicht wirklich zufrieden und würde mich gerne nach einer Alternative umsehen.

    Der Visualiser sollte natürlich mit Dmxc funktionieren, also ArtNet fähig sein und die Möglichkeit haben, eigene Fixtures zu erstellen. Kostenlos oder zumindest günstig wäre auch gut, aber schreibt doch mal was ihr für Visualiser kennt/nutzt!

    LG Erik

    Ein Weg der hier schonmal angeschnitten wurde: QLC+5 in der Beta Version. Da ist ein Visualizer drinne. Ist noch relativ instabil, aber es funktioniert. Besser als EasyView allemal. Natürlich kein Vergleich zu Capture oder Dependence, die kosten aber auch nen paar Riesen.

  • Hallo Erik!

    Ein Weg ist in diesem Thread beschrieben - und du hast auch ein Beispiel: DMXControl 3 Is More Powerful Than You Realize! (3D Simulation YouTube Demo Video Link)


    Der Ansatz gefällt mir bisher am besten, dass habe ich auch gleich mal ausprobiert. Klappt auch alles soweit, Modelle und Stage-Bau ging ziemlich schnell. Das einzige woran es scheitert, ist einen Input in Pro Dmx 2 zu bekommen. Erst wenn ich mein Net 2/5 Pocket anstecke findet er Dmx-Control, aber auch nur um Werte zu senden, nicht um von Dmxc Werte zu empfangen. Weißt du auf die Schnelle woran es liegt? Ansonsten frage ich mal Shween aus dem Thread wie er es gemacht hat.

  • IlluminateXperience

    Thank you for the Tag!

    I have been a bit busy lately, and would hope to possible provide a few screenshots, but let me see if I can give you a small head-Start with this limited information without being in front of the software at the moment.

    If you play around deep in the settings of ProDMX 2, you will find that It can accept up to 4 universes of Art-Net input in the settings.

    You may need to set up a virtual network adapter if you plan on running DMXC and ProDMX on the same machine, but I do not recommend this because ProDMX / Studio DMX is very resource intensive due to what I have found to be many bugs.

    The best way would be to run DMXC on a smaller computer or laptop, and then build your Visual Show in Pro DMX on an separate independent workstation.

    Then, set the network adapters on each machine to the same IP subnet for ArtNet Transmission.

    All of you IPs need to be manually input as static IPs on your PC network interface, and then set manually inside ProDMX.

    Then, when you see that you are successfully receiving DMX input into ProDMX, there is a way to set each fader section/universe as an individual control to receive direct DMX commands. 0-512 in each universe (up to 4 universes)

    It is a bit of a tricky process and took me about a week to figure out (there is very minimal documentation through Chromateq) and seems to almost be a hidden feature in the software.

    Until I have a bit of time to make a series of screenshots that might help explain better, maybe this hint (without looking at the software in front of me) might help if you are determined and just a bit crazy ;) (much like myself haha).

  • Hey Shween,

    thank you very much for those Informations! I will be using the method with one Pc, as I simply dont have more than one.

    So I got Pro Dmx to recognise Dmxc as a node with a virtual network adapter. I still cant get Pro Dmx to receive or send anything, but at least I made some Progress.

    Here are some screenshots I took for you, maybe you could help me through those. Otherwise I would really appreciate it, if you sent me screenshots of your configuration, as soon as you find the time to work yourself back into the program!

  • It's amazing your actually almost there. I am going to explain the 'Hidden Feature' Now to make it all work.

    I have attached screenshots as detailed as possible:

    1. First, Install Virtual Network Adapter As described in this tutorial (Click Link):

    How to create virtual network adapter in windows 11 or windows 10

    2. Once You Install the adapter, go to Start -> Type Control Panel -> In Control Panel type 'Network' -> Click on 'Network & Sharing Center'

    3. In 'Network and Sharing Center' click 'Change Adapter Settings'

    4. Find the new virtual network adapter 'Microsoft KM-Test Loopback' (I renamed mine to ArtNetLoop) -> Right Click -> Properties -> Double Click 'Internet Protocol Version (TCP/IPv4)'

    5. Change Settings as Follows -> Click OK

    6. Open DMX Control 3 (I am using v3.3.0)

    Go to Settings -> DMX Interfaces -> Add Device - Artistic License -> Art-Net


    Change 'Additional Sent to IP' to the IP Address your Virtual Network Adapter is set to.

    7. Open Pro DMX 2 -> Create a New Project AND SAVE AS! -> click Tools -> Options -> ArtNet -> Input -> Make Sure Network Adapter is set as your Virtual Loopback IP Address.

    Also Make sure the On/Off Button is Turned ON [GREEN] Click It :)

    8. Now for the Hidden Part. Click the Check Mark at the bottom and you will see this screen.

    Make Sure you are in universe 1 (On the Right) -> CLICK THE 3 DOTS AT THE BOTTOM OF THE FIRST FADER

    9. In this Window, Copy the Following settings exactly and hit Checkmark. [Only Adjust Setting Circled in Blue]

    10. You should now be controlling ProDMX2 Faders from DMXC!

    11. Now create your fixtures in ProDMX2 and Build your 3d show!

  • To add additional universes in Pro DMX 2 (Up to 4) Follow these Steps.

    1. Add another Art Net Device in DMX Control 3. Change the Settings Circled in Blue.

    2. In Pro DMX 2, click 'Universe 2' and click on the 3 dots on channel 1 and enter the same settings as before, but just make sure to select universe 2.

    3.Follow the same steps for Univers 3 and 4 respectively.

    And it should be as 'Simple' as that!

    Let me know if you are able to make this work!

    It may take a couple tries to get everything to talk with each other, but this is how I was able to get it to work.

  • Good Evening,

    thank you very much for that detailed tutorial! I really was almost there and now I got it working!

    Although not with ArtNet, but with sACN. I simply couldnt get an Input with ArtNet, so I just tried sACN once and it worked right away!

    Thank you very much for your help! I would have searched waaay longer to find that "hidden" feature.

  • Yes! I'm really really happy that you were able to get it to work!

    Funny enough, I have recently switched to sACN since making the original demonstration (due to a bug in the Art-Net firmware of DMX node I had gotten).

    If you couldn't get the ArtNet to work, I was going to recommend trying with sACN, as it seems to use a more direct IP forward.

    I am not quite sure how the developers changed the ArtNet Transmission in 3.3.0, but I am no longer sure how it 'Binds' to an IP anymore without using the 'optional' secondary IP Send parameter in DMX Interface Settings.

    Perhaps LightningBrothers or JPK would know where to point for that updated information 3.3.0?

    Either way, I would be interested to see what you do with it once you are able to create even a small demo! If you can render it out, totally share it here :)

    Congratulations 🎉 🎉 🎉