Happy new year!

Dear DMXControl Community,

We wish you all a happy new year. Let's hope it's a good one.

We as DMXControl Team look back at a mixed 2023, with ups and downs. We sadly didn't manage to finalize DMXControl 3.3 but we managed to release a release candidate that is now available for you to download and test. On the positive side, there were no Corona restrictions for our yearly meeting, which was a great success and we all had a lot of fun. Also the microchips requried for our Nodle R4S are now easier to source, therefore we manage to have them in stock more often in our shop. This is also a relief for our organizations finanzial situation. In total 2023 was an unspectacular year. A lot of our members are also involved in other organizations. Now that all the Corona restrictions are lifted, these other organizations start ramping up again, therefore there is less time left over for DMXControl. The tough personal situation also became visible when we didn't manage to provide a News every week. Sometimes there was simply nothing to report.

What do I expect from 2024? That's a good question. I looked back into the New-year-news from 2021 => 2022. There I already promised the release of DMXControl 3.3.... I won't do the same mistake again ;) . What I do expect is a great yearly meeting. This year due to our 20th anniversary we will meet in Braunschweig, where back then all began with Stefan Krupop and the first Version of DMXControl.

A big thanks to all the DMXControl Team members for their voluntary work in the past year as well as to the whole community. You are the reason our forum is perceived as a great place for beginners and others who have questions.

I wish all of us a great start into 2024.

Best regards,

Arne Lüdtke

1st chairman of DMXControl Projects e.V.
