Live@Work 20_KW47 - Music ann medua workshop starting online

Yes, Corona will be with us throughout 2020 and probably even longer. But this did not discourage us from holding our annual workshop. Of course with distance and appropriate conditions. At the music and media workshop, young people between the ages of 13 and 21 learn how to play an instrument, a camera, or how to set up and operate lighting and sound equipment in various workshops.

This year, the special thing was that we were not allowed to have an audience at our show. And that is precisely why we have revised our entire stage, light and sound concept of the past few years and optimized it for a live stream. Among other things, the following points:

  • Lots of white light from the front (for the cameras)
  • A lot of effect light, so that you can see light effects in every camera perspective and the pictures don’t get boring.
  • Space for cameras and the camera crew
  • Sufficient space for the musicians and moderators

Thus, a “moderation corner” was introduced to the actual stage. Unfortunately, the planned front light was not quite sufficient. With the second stage, we underestimated the need for light. What was used?

Front light:

  • 4x Varytec LED Theater Spot 100 3000K
  • 2x Eurolite FS-600/36°,Spot (Profile Spot)
  • 2x Involight MLS HEX48

Effect- and back light:

  • 8x Involight FX1912
  • 4x Involight MH127S
  • 6x Involight Paintbar 12hex
  • 4x Beam 200
  • 2x Eurolite ABL Strobe
  • 16x LED Par
  • 1x 4 Kanal Dimmer
  • 1x Smoke Factory Tourhazer
  • 4x DJPower DSK-1500V

A total of about 1,800 DMX channels were output to 5 universes. An 8-Port Art-Net Node and a Node U1 were used for this. The whole setup was controlled with DMXControl 3.2. As hardware, two touchscreen monitors and a Streamdeck XL were used.

Look at the FoH: video in front, sound behind and light in the back.

What was also an exciting action: The Tally-Light! Here a small program was written by a software developer, which reads from our video switcher (Atem 1 M/E Production Studio) the currently selected camera and sends the data via sACN to DMXControl. Is for example Camera 2 in preview is displayed on DMX channel 2-127 and Camera 4 in program is displayed on DMX channel 4-255 There was now an LED fixture on each camera. I created a Cuelist for everyone. In the first cue I let the headlight light green (for preview) and in the second cue red (for program). In the end, all I had to do was connect in the Input Assignment. You can see the result here:

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At the end of the workshop, the participants will show what they have learned during the four days. Not only the musicians are on stage (partly for the first time) and have to get through on their own, but also the technicians and cameramen have to present their new knowledge. You can find the product here:

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Have fun checking in.

Greetings, nutzer99

About the Author

Ich mache gerne Licht- Ton- und Videotechnik bei der Ev. Jugend in Haldensleben-Wolmirstedt. Darunter zählen Konzerte, einige größere Gottesdienste und diverse Workshops. Weitere Infos auf

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