vorgewählte Geräteliste in Einsteck

  • gibt es eine Weise, eine Liste der vorgewählten Vorrichtungen in einem Einsteck zurückzuholen. haben versucht, Mitteilungen zu benutzen, um die Vorrichtungen im Auge zu behalten, die vorgewählt werden, aber sie bringt immer 0 in arg2 zurück, also habe ich keine Weise des Erklärens, welche Vorrichtung vorgewählt worden ist. Dank für irgendwelche hilft und traurig für die schlechte Sprache gemusst einen Übersetzer benutzen, da Englisch meine erste Sprache ist.

  • Yes sorry. Is there a way to get a list of selected devices in a plugin. I have tried using messages to keep track of which devices are selected but arg2 always returns a 0 so my plugin can know when a device is selected but not which device.

    Thanks for any help.

  • In graphical view when you click on a device it is selected and it sends a MSG_Item_Select control message with arg1 = 1 to indicate a device has been selected, and it is my understanding that arg2 should contain the device id but it always returns a 0 whenever I try it. Basically I want to get a list of all currently selected devices so my plugin can send dmx commands only to the selected devices.

  • oh i see what you mean.
    If i understand the definition in the wiki correct, this should really be a device identifier. If i test this in the reference implementation (DMXC Plugin Interface Test) arg2 is always 0, maybe it's a bug?
    But a DMXControl Developer can say more about this

  • I'm sorry I have to say that currently there seems to be no way for a plugin to get this information.
    The last parameter is not the ID of the device, but rather the ID of the group it is added to - in most cases this is the default "Selected devices group" - unfortunately, there is no accessor method for this group in the PluginHelper...
    I will add this for the next major release (2.11), but this will take some time...


  • I don't know if this helps you, but if it's enough that you can select multiple devices and then change this values with your plugin, you could write a "graphical view light", which only has the stage image, the device icons and the possibility to select multiple devices at once, Therefore you could parse the file "Project".stg. There are all informations you would need. The stage image, the number of devices, the first dmx adress of the device, the device icon and the x and y position within the original graphical view.

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