Chroma-Q Twin FX dual gobo rotator.

  • HI, has anyone ever tried to create a DDF for a gobo rotator? I'm looking at one for a show that's coming up. There's quite a nice one that can counter-rotate 2 gobos at a local rental shop. Seems to have a lot of features but I'm not sure where to start or if there's a DDF for anything similar that I might look at. The rental model is the Chroma-Q twin FX gobo rotator.



    Twin FX DMX Gobo Rotator User Manual.pdf

  • Hello

    this gobo rotator is in DMXControl 3 a so called subdevice. That means, it will add to normal device like a generic dimmer for a simple spot - equals in the reality, where the gobo rotoator is added additionally to a device. So, the subdevice only consist of the specific added functions, in your case the functions for the gobo rotation.

    Regarding the functions in the manual, you don't need again to implement everything is mentioned at the DMX channel 2. From my side, I just would only pick out the the functions like indexing the gobo position / orientation, the continuous rotation in both directions and maybe the shaking function. All other function mentioned can be rebuild with effects or different cues in DMXControl 3 itself.

    I hope, you got a first idea, how you should work with this gobo rotator. When I am able to sit in front of DMXControl 3, I can give some further advises...


  • Many thanks Stefan,

    I hadn't come across the idea of sub-device before (this probably seems very basic to you, I have very limited time to do too many things) so I'll look into that.

    Is it possible to fully create a DDF covering all the functions of the rotator? There seems to be a lot, and I agree you wouldn't really need that many day to day, but if I were using it every show it might be worthwhile to try adding functions over time.

    Thanks again.

  • I hadn't come across the idea of sub-device before

    The usage of sub-devices was get more and more backwards the last years due to the fact, that newer devices covers meanwhile a lot of functions. The best example, where you needed the sub-device once where color scroller for typical halogen par can to be flexible with the colors they bring to the stage. Meanwhile, a simple LED par do that much better within one device. But when the development of DMXControl 3 started in 2008, there were only a few LED pars on the market.

    There seems to be a lot, and I agree you wouldn't really need that many day to day, but if I were using it every show it might be worthwhile to try adding functions over time.

    Yes, that's generally possible to start with the most important functions of the device and then add the other later by time.