Sound selector not working

  • Good morning!

    Can you say, how long your audio files are and how much you used until now in your project? Maybe also the Kernel would show an error during analysing the file. Here it would be great, if you can export the log files and add them here.

    I am asking that question, because DMXControl 3 is still only an 32 bit application. Due to this fact, the program isn't able to allocate more then around 1,5 GB of memory - doesn't matter how much you install in total in your computer.

    Best regards, Stefan.

  • Hi! There's quite a few audio files, but I'm not sure that's the problem. I managed to run the entire show without problem last night. Made no changes. Then today, when I went to make a change (add an audio cue), I'm getting this problem. I have:

    - cleanly uninstalled and reinstalled everything - same problem

    - checked that all files exist that are in the cue

    - created an entirely fresh new project, added 1 audio track - same problem

    The logs seem to show a lot of errors marked "ERROR Lumos.GUI.Windows.Various.SoundSelector - Unable to load Resource filename of Type SOUND: Value cannot be null.", however this was all working yesterday.

    I've tried adjusting memory settings, but again, the file was working fine yesterday.

    Thanks for any help!



  • Hi,

    well, there was an exception, which causes the Sound Selector to not load the audio files. I will look into the code and see, if I can find the issue.


  • Hmmm, I looked into the code. It seams, that there is a problem with the audio file icon. Do you have an audio file with icons / thumbnails in it? If yes, can you try to remove them? Does this help?

  • Sometimes there are thumbnails (e.g. album covers) embedded in mp3 files. You can check them for example with the free tool MP3Tag. Among others, you can check if there are album covers / thumbnails in the mp3 file. And you can delete them with this tool.

  • Had a look in mp3tag and none of the files appear to have thumbnails. Also, the project was working prior to now. I've also tried uninstalling dmxcontrol and deleting the program and appdata directories, fresh installing, and using a simple wav file - this results in the same problem of the sound selector not loading.

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