Is Beat Sync still supported in 2.11? Could Never get it to work.

  • I have tried versions 2.10 and 2.11 of DMXControl and could never get the winamp AVS to work. I noticed in 2.11 that the AVS support for the Sound Analyzer was dropped so now you can only use Winamp VBlink. The beatTool still has the WinAMP AVS Plugin but I could never get it to work. I was able to get the AVS plug in with DMXControl support working in 2.10 with the Sound Analyzer but the beattool Winamp would never work.

    Running Windows 7 64bit and was wondering if anybody has been able to get this to work with this OS.

    Anybody using any other methods to sync DMXControl to a beat? I was thinking I could use MIDI to send the beat and have it advance to the next step in the effects/chasers tool. I can't find a decent simple plugin that will take an audio input and send midi commands.

    Here is a video of me trying to get the AVS with the beattool to work.

  • Hi Richardh,
    Windows Vista and Windows 7 have an inbuilt "User Account Control" (normaly, nobody including the administrator have administrative rights) to prevent Virus-attacks, etc. However, some tools needs those rights to run. For the plugins for DMXC exists a workaround. There is the "PluginAdministator.exe"-tool in the programfolder. Start the tool, and check all plugins listed in both lists ("Output plugins" and "Application plugins"). With this tool, all plugins (including the Beattool) should work again.

  • I found out that if I changed the settings on winamp so it always runs as administrator it started working!

    Is it possible that you are running DMXC "as Administrator" too? If so, this is the expected behavior, as the UAC blocks sending messages from lower security levels (Winamp with "normal" rights) to higher security levels (DMXC with "administrator" privileges).
    When the Plugins are correctly registered, DMXC does not need Administrator privileges and can be run as a normal user.

    Kind regards,

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