engl. Wiki - Mitmachen

  • Hallo, der aktuelleste Beitrag im englischen Wiki ist so nett und herzerfrischend, dass ich Euch ihn nicht vorenthalten möchte (falls es jemanden gibt, der nicht regelmäßig unser englisches Wiki besuchen sollte! ;)

    Where in the world is everyone at? Did I miss Something here? I've been all around these Wiki pages and no one is posting, atleast not recent. So many people using the software & no one is sharing? C'mon guys we can do better than this. The forum @ DMXC is barely being used except by our brothers in German, French ect.., man I'm so dissapointed, these guys put out an awsome lighting software. I really do hope we can put a bit more emphasis on working on these pages. We know there is a loyal following of people in the scene, lets hope we continue to be loyal and show some response on these pages. Peace to all and A great big shout-out to all the guys @ DMXC who continue to bring us a wonderful piece of lighting software free for the community to enjoy. Thanks again guys!

    Vielleicht ist auch jemand so gerührt wie ich und stattet der Seite mal einen Besuch ab.


    Gruss Frank

  • Hello there Frank Burghardt!
    First, please excuse the English wording as I do not write nor read in German. Secondly, I would simply like to express my appreciation by thanking you for the post you put up concerning the message I recently posted on the DMXC Wiki page. It was very much to my surprise to see it in the German section of the forum. In case you're wondering, because of the lack of English support I usually read the German section with a webpage translator and although some of the wording is not always translated properly there's always enough info. to understand. Thank you again for sharing this concern with our fellow brothers in this section of the forum. We will continue to do our best to share & communicate the knowledge we gain from using such an awsome software.

    Respectfully Yours: Worshipwarrior


  • Hi Worshipwarrior!

    If you don't understand something from the auto-translator do not hesitate to ask even in English! :) I'll try to translate then.
    Maybe I find some time during Winter to update parts of the english Wiki.


    Mein Equipment:
    1x Hirn | 2x Augen (leicht defekt) |2x Ohren | 1x Mund |32x Zahn (zum Teil V1.5) | 1x Handundfuß-Interface


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