Graphical Veiw

  • Hello,
    thats realy easy. When you right-klick the device, then you can change the tab under tab => "..." (the name of the tab you prefer for this device).

  • Sorry but I have not understood your explanation, I have created a tab called My Lights, I click that tab, I right click on the space provided to add devices, I choose "add device" I click on the device I want then OK. the device goes to Default tab not my lights tab.

  • Hi fincaman,

    yes, thats the default Function.

    First Add your Device.
    Now you have to go to the "Default" tab and do a right-click on the device, wich you want to move to the "My lights" tab and chose the Menu-entry "Tab" and select "My Lights" in the Sub-menu, wich will appear.

    Now the Device will move to the "My lights" Tab

    Regards, Souko

  • Hi,
    no Problem.

    This Message means, there are already some Files from another Project with the same File-name.
    So Your current Project will overwrite all the Files from the other Project.

    Thats because DMXControl Saves one Project in many Files (one for Audioplayer, one for Command-Box, etc.)

    So, if you want to save a Project with same Name, you have to choose another Folder.

    If you want to delete a Project, you must delete all the Files, wich contains the
    Project-Name, or you get these Error, if you save a New Project with the same Name than the older one.

    If you want to overwrite the Files, just klick OK. To stop the Save-Process klick Cancel.

    If you just opend the Project, and you have performed some changes and you want to save it in the Same Directory, just klick "Save" and not "Save As"

    I hope my reply will help you, and sorry, if my English is terrible.

    Regards, Souko

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