Getting started

  • Hello,I installed DMX Control last year and had good results but since then I haven't used it.I have come back to it and can't even get started none of my previous files seem to open,when I click graphical view nothing happens.I have installed the newest version,I have tried creating a new file with the same results,can I have a little help to get started please then I will figure the rest out

  • Hi,

    basically, DMXControl 2.9 and 2.10 are compatibel. It shoudn't be a problem to open an old project. Nobody else reported such an problem, therefore I assume there is another kind of error.
    What do you mean with "creating a new file" and same results?
    An DMXControl project file has the extension .stg
    Did you really try to open such a file again after saving the project?

    Regards Frank

  • My problem is more serious than I thought I have uninstalled reinstalled an reebooted and now I get an error message when I try to start DMXcontrol it reads
    380 invalid property value
    frm buttons
    idmxc tool viewmode let

    the palet that pops up has several buttons in German if I click one of them the programme loads but I get the same results as before i.e. graphical view won't open

    I installed the previous version on my laptop last year and have tried it
    and it works great so the programme is not installing properly on my desktop can you help?

  • Did you have a secondary display the last time you used DMXC?
    This sounds a little bit like the windows are on the wrong (secondary) screen or get a wrong size.
    If you have DMXControl 2.10 installed, try the menu entry "Windows -> Move all windows to primary screen".


  • It seems my problem is insurmountable,the evidence points to my computer but I run some heavyweight programmes (Cubase ect) and they all run fine.I would have liked to have seen a little more interest especially from the administrators.

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