Copy Cue Parameters to Additional Fixtures.

  • Hello again all!

    So, imagine you have a simple mover and create a cue:

    For instance pan, tilt, color, gobo 1.

    Say I add another of the same fixture to the show at a different time, on a separate DMX address, and want this cue to copy the effects to that fixture as well.

    Is it possible to do anything like this in DMXC, or would you have to simply use the programmer to modify that fixtures behavior and add/replace the cue?

    Cheers to you!

  • When your device is already added to a device group and you stored all the values to that device group, you simply add the second or also more devices to that device group. Then DMXC3 automatically recalculate the values and include the added devices. That’s one of the main features of DMXC3 by the way - and basically it’s also work the same way when it’s not exactly the same device.

    But if you stored the values to the device itself or a manual selection of two or more devices, you need to add the device by editing the existing cues in the programmer and replace the cue afterwards.

  • Yes... that's indeed a quite powerful feature and workflow. That's also the reason, why we or I always mention to work whit device groups as long as you can and store the values as often as you can on these device group. The same time I try to avoid as long as I can to do manual selection of devices in the stage view. So...

    • by following that workflow you can much easier see, what is included in a cue when you edit them in the programmer in general.
    • you won't destroy a light scene when editing, because you selected several devices in a wrong way - the selection order is much important for calculate effects and fannings right. When you use a device group, this information is already set in the device group
    • you can use the same project several times with quite different fixtures. You just need to replace them in the relevant device groups. When you create your DDF well, you almost won't see any difference although you change the fixture from a more simple moving head to a more professional device.

    From my side, since I use DMXControl 3, I didn't build up quite much projects just for one event. Due to the fact I am often a light operator for club events, I use just one project and change only the devices in the projects when there are other fixtures installed for that event. Then afterwards I spend some time for adjustments to the location or an improvement of the project, when I see, that there is already everything fitting.