Using a new device definition file

  • Greetings

    I have created a device definition file (xml) for a moving head unit (Event Lighting M1H200W), but now, how do I get the file recognised by the project explorer.

    Also, is there a schema diagram for the DDF xml?

  • Hoc

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  • Hi and welcome in our Forum,

    I have created a device definition file (xml) for a moving head unit (Event Lighting M1H200W), but now, how do I get the file recognised by the project explorer.

    There is a User Device Folder for DDFs. You can find it by opening the start menu and browsing to the DMXControl 3 folder. There you can find the link to the users device folder. Just copy your xml file into the folder. If you have allready added your device xml to the folder and it is not in the list, then the kernel should give you some warnings what is wrong with it.

    Best regards


  • Hi,

    there are two types of errors in the DDFs. On the one hand are syntax errors, so the XML has a wrong structure. In this case, DMXControl 3 can not parse it and mark it as corrupted. You can find those errors for example with Notepad++ and the plugin "XML Tools". On the other hand there could be logical errors in the XML so that some parts are not in the way DMXControl 3 would expect them to be. In this case DMXControl would give you some information about whats wrong with it.

    So as mentioned, in your case the XML has a wrong structure. This mistake was a hard one to find, but finally, I found it. You accidentally added a space caracter in the "dmxchannel" parameter of "tilt". After fixing this, the xml structure checker of XML Tools in Notepad++ can not find problems any more. So it should be loadable in DMXControl 3 (what I've not tried yet, so there could be some other logical problems in it, I have not found).

    If you have finally fixed the DDF, you may upload it in our DDF Library ( so everyone can find and use it :)

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