How do I Add another output Plugin w the same Name - Enttec OpenDmx Usb?

  • How do I add another Plugins to the list of Installed Plugins?

    I have one for universe 1 (Address 1)- Enttel OpenDmx Usb
    But I want to add another one for Universe 2 (Address 513)
    Since it is the same plugin & name their is only one & I need 2 listed (how do I add another one)

    1-How do I get it to be listed twice so i select it for another address 513 (Universe 2) in the Installed Plugins
    2-Will DMXControl work with 2 Identical Enttec open dmx USB Devices?

    Thanks Steve

  • Hello Steve,

    normally you copy the plugin (in the DMXC-directory) and rename the copy with adding "-2" (for example).
    On your next start of DMXC there should be two entries in the output-plugins.
    But I don't know if it is working with the Enttec. Just try it.


    Mein Equipment:
    1x Hirn | 2x Augen (leicht defekt) |2x Ohren | 1x Mund |32x Zahn (zum Teil V1.5) | 1x Handundfuß-Interface


  • Thanks

    I Copy the two files into another directory than renamed the them & than pasted them back into root dir for Dmxcontrol


    I now have 2-Enttec OpenDmx Usb ,,, one for address 1 & address for 512
    still need to test speed But it seems to work 10x faster than the Artnet

    Thanks again Steve

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