Beamer, laser emulation

  • Hi,
    ok, I've done some tests with DMXControl 2, DMXControl 3 and the Windows Beamertool. I can establish a connection between DMXControl 2 and Beamertool via Artnet. All one have to do is to start DMXControl 2 first, set the Broadcast-Adress in DMXControl 2 to (the all-net broadcast adress) and activate the Plugin. With this (and of corse the identical Sub-Net and Port) DMXControl 2 shoult send Artnet-frames to I tested this with Wireshark and filter artnet-frames (Wireshark can detect and separate Artnet-frames). Now go into the Beamertool folder and delete the config-folder. Now you can start the Beamertool with admin-rights. It should now receive artnet-frames. The interessting thing is, that if you restart the beamertool, it often does not get any frames anymore. Sometimes it helps, if you delete the config-folder again. Well this is not a realy good connection. So I personaly think, the current Windows-Beamertool-version is only for some short tests. The much better version is the RPI-version.

    Unfortunately, I could not establish a connection between DMXControl 3 and the Beamertool. DMXControl 3 only sends to the Broadcastadress of the local network (, not This should be the reason, why the Beamertool does not get any packets.

  • Thank you a lot! Ok I'm trying, many difficulties, Believe me I'm not bad with Windows.. but I've never experienced so many troubles in different parts.
    Let's start from beginning:
    I start DMXC2, in output plugins I lod them as "administrator", then I select Artnet and configure it, the broadcast address is empty and after I insert every time I open it still empty, doesn't accept the value. On the Output section there is empty, also pressing scan I can't see any interface, it's blank, no errors. It was working one week ago, I uninstallaed and installed the program again but it's not working more. See artnet image.

    I also have problems with some errors in dll, check the image please.

    I also can't figure out how to add the beamertool fixture, I cannot find a menu entry where I can add a fixture, and I can't also see any "sheet" where I can place/install the fixture. In DMXC3 no problem with that, here looks to me impossible. I would like to use the Beamertool fixture, should I copy any file from beamertool somewhere? You told also about a plugin, you refer abut Artnet or there is a specific plugin from beamertool to copy/implement in DMXC2?
    In alternative I would use any fixture who let me send on artnet some falues, it doesn't matter, I would see something in beamertool.

    When I solve this big issues with DMXC2 I hope I'll succeed with beamertool, config file and so on.
    Thank you a lot for help, I hope you can support me, maybe I need like a newbie step by step guide, I think I'm really unlucky because usually I find myself always a way..

  • if you have the beamertool on the same pc:

    unpack the (the newer) in c:/program(x86)/dmxcontrol/

    in the zip are 3folders. the folder beamertool and the content from the folder dmxcontrol have to be in the folder
    c:/program(x86)/dmxcontrol/ beamertool/
    c:/program(x86)/dmxcontrol/ beamer.out.dll
    c:/program(x86)/dmxcontrol/ devices / laser2.xml

    start dmxc2 -> config -> output plugins and select WITHOUT adminrights (cause this is the reason for your problems and for me too)
    select beamerout -> make shure, the ckbox is selected.
    close the plugin-window

    start beamertool from c:/program(x86)/dmxcontrol/ beamertool/ beamertool.exe

    click o for option and select lasersim ->ok

    in dmxc2 load the fixture/ddf zoidberg/lasersim

    now you can click in the stageview lasersim and pick up an gobo (the selectbox in the midle), importent is the scale x/y on the right to see something

    now, you can config artnet INPUT for control with dmxc3:
    start dmxc3 config the output artnet.
    in dmxc2 config ->output plugins->select and config artnet WITHOUT adminrights-> broadcast subnet0
    select under input universe1 -> ok
    close the window

    now -> config-> dmxin->
    follow the pics of this link

    if youre done -> have fun

  • it works thanks, there were some issues but I overcomes them. In dmxc3 there is no beamertool fixture, or I can't see it after copying the XML, solutions? I manually moved sliders between channels by dmx output, it looks there is no way to turn automatically a texture. There are available some cues for dmxc3 about beamer? So I can test them. Thank you a lot!
    I opened a topic about .ild file support, laser oh has already developed it for windows and raspberry, luckily it may be easy to integrate.
    Hugs and thanks for support )

  • I love you guys! :) thank you
    Can I kindly ask for a cue/sequence working with DMXC3 for Beamer? Someone can kindly share it with me? ) I can create it but I don't have the experience yet to create an impressive sequence. It's useful for me to evaluate the buy a new videoprojector, thanks!

  • i dont have greate a cue for lasersim/beamertool in dmxc3. but you can play fith the scale and zoom in any position.
    usely, simple and fewer signs and effects are more effectiv than otherwise...

    tomorrow i will tune the ddf, for a better workflow.

    sorry for my english, is a long time ago

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