Beamer, laser emulation

  • Hi all! Thank you a lot for helping here :)

    I've hear about this project, Beamer, and how cool it works. Well there are some confusion around, old topics, not an official page to consult. Maybe, if I got right, the Beamer is now somehow integrated on DMXControl, or maybe I'm wrong.
    I need to drive a video projector by an easy consolle, some buttons to change effects, colours, etc. Somebody is really polite to clarify me how is the situation as today? Where can I find infos?
    Thank you a lot!

  • Hi,
    the so called Beamertool is the laser simulation tool, you think of. There are two versions, a Windows-Version and a version for the raspberry pi. Because there are some problems with crashes in the Windows version, the rpi-version is the better choice. For mor information about that tool, you can look into the official thread here in our forum (unfortunately it is in german, but on one of the last pages, there is an english installation guide).

    Here a short description about the tool: It reads out artnet packets sended by DMXControl (or every other lightcontrol tool, which supports artnet). There are channels for gobo, position, color and so on. To have different gobos, you can save jpeg or gif pictures with a dmx walue in the filename (e.g. 167.jpeg) in the pictures subfolder. The picture is then loaded, if you send a 167 value to the gobo-channel.

  • Hi,
    which antivirus tool do you use? We have tested this zip-file with Kaspersky (the best antivirus tool in this test…irenwaechter-2463396.html) and with the trendmicro antivirus tool. To be shure, I tested it again with Kaspersky. All tests declare, that the is clean and save.

  • Ok I believe you, no reasons to think there is a virus, but better to advice. I'm using Avira.
    I deactivated antivirus, and start them: both files crashed instantly. I've Win7 64 bit
    Did you download the zip and tested? The exe is only 33kb

  • Jes, I tested the zip ;) It is correct, that the beamertool only have 33kb, because it uses some Windows-Components (e.g. the XNA-Framework). So only a few functions are needed in the program and it can be very small. Just start it with admin rights (it have to write some config files). If this doesn't help, is the XNA Framework 3.0 installed on your computer? If not, then do this (you find it on the microsoft webpage…oad/details.aspx?id=22588). With this, the Beamertool should run.
    best regards

  • yes it works perfectly, thank you. Great support and great people here!
    Now I've to understand how it works, unfortunately ther isn't a guide. I chosed filebrowser, but I don't know how to load the images

  • Ok, first, you have to set it up correctly, before you can use it. Hit "o" and click on LaserSim. There you can choose the startaddress and the displayed layer (depending on your graphics card, but 4 is a good amount of Layer). In the Artnet entry, you can select the ArtNet SubNet and the Universe. This depends on your Software, but 0 in both options are good to start with. Now the Beamertool reacts like a laser. It uses 20 channels. You will find a description of all Channels on the following page

    To add new pictures, switch to the program folder and open the subfolder "textures" there are the pictures. Be careful because there must not be two files with the same number in their names, even if they are in a different format (eg. 210.png and 210.jpg). An other thing is, that the Beamertool crashes, if you select a texture with the gobo channel and there is no corresponding texture. With the newer Windows versions, the Beamertool only accepts picture files (otherwise it crashes too). The raspberry beamertool also supports animated gif files and a few video formats.
    best regards
    Edit: Oh, I was to slow in writing my post :D

  • thank you! You're always fast and precious :) thank you!
    I followed it, it looks I need an Artnet to drive it, the Beamerclient can't help right?
    I've a Lightjockey consolle 2.95, I would use it to drive Beamertool, but I need an adaptation RAM->Artnet since LJ doesn't support Artnet output. Here is the topic, I'm waiting for a reply from Scyte:
    Need develope program to send some RAM values to Art-net

    Eventually I'll use another consolle.

    There is any plan to load .ild files? There are plenty of .ild laser effects ready, it would be great to visualize them!
    There is any file converter/adapter?
    There are some projects around about .ild visualizer, if you may interface with them half of work could ever done already

  • For example Laserboy is a software for Raspberry (and Windows) which convert the .ild into .wav files to be played for driving the ILDA interface of a laser. He's great guy ready for supporting and developing, I really hope you may get in touch :)

  • Sorry I'm very confused,
    ok I got that beamertool is just a projector driver, and need to be proper driven by Artnet, so I need the DMXC and address the DMX values. I installed DMXC 3 but wow.. no tutorial how to use this app I didn't find.
    I think I need to create the fixture first and address it to the proper Artnet address.. it looks not easy, I didn't find beamertool in the list of devices, I see in the beamertool zip there are some files, but where to place? I tried inventing something, I put the xml under kernel\devices, then reload the DMXC but it didn't recognize it. Help!

    Then once I fixed the fixture, how can I create a cue/sequence to give some DMX commands?
    Thank u for help, I feel so disoriented!

  • Hi!

    The main problem is: The support für the "beamertool" in DMXC3 is not yet really there. For version 2 of DMXC there are the files available in the zip-file (DMXControl -> Devices -> Laser2.xml). As far as I know, there are no Device-Definition-Files (DDFs) for version 3 created until today. So this file won't help.
    It's a long time ago that I used the windows-version of "Beamertool". But as far as I can remember the setting of ArtNet is done in the settings of the "Beamertool"-Configuration. The IPs are not relevant, only the universe and channel-/adress-settings as long as you have both computers in the same network.

    Perhaps anyone else can help you better, but I use the Tool on the RaspberryPi since quite a longe time now togehter with DMXC2. So I'm a little bit outdated on the configuration you want to use... ;)


    PS: If the Artnet itself is running, the communication between the tool and DMXC is only done by switching (the universe and) adress like you configurate it when using DMX. So Beamertool #1 can have 3 Layers on DMX-adresses 10, 20 and 30. Another Beamertool with 4 Layers of laserbeam simulation in the same network can operate at DMX-adresses 110,120,130 and 140. Artnet only replaces the DMX-cable with network technology.

    Mein Equipment:
    1x Hirn | 2x Augen (leicht defekt) |2x Ohren | 1x Mund |32x Zahn (zum Teil V1.5) | 1x Handundfuß-Interface


    Edited once, last by Hoc ().

  • Thank you Hoc for answer, I really need help here! I strongly home someone will!

    I don't mind now about the particular fixture, I mind about see something on Beamertool window. I made a lot of experiments and I've never see something.
    I'm using loopback before having any other issues with real network, Im using DMXC3 with a casual fixture, I check the output with The Art Netominator and there is traffic, according exactly what I cange in the fixture.
    I've about 11 channel in this fixture and I moved them all from 0 to 255, I didn't see any activity, yes universe 0, net0, channel1, I think all is right here, and the beamertool has the same.

    I launch only beamertool, should I run other software too?
    WHat about the plugin for DMXC2, what sense it has if I'm already sending Artnet?
    Maybe should I change any xml into the beamertool folders?
    I strongly need help here, please! Thank you!

  • Hi!

    Ok, I will install the Beamertool again on a Windows laptop and check your problem. But it may take a day or two. I guess on saturday there is enough time to do that.
    Thats really odd how easy everything works (and how fast someone forgets everything) if you don't use windows and have that tiny Raspberry with Linux instead... :D


    Mein Equipment:
    1x Hirn | 2x Augen (leicht defekt) |2x Ohren | 1x Mund |32x Zahn (zum Teil V1.5) | 1x Handundfuß-Interface


  • I'll use linux too.. but need to try the projector before, if we'll decide to buy projector instead of laser then yes I'll buy a Raspberry too :)

    Even today I tried, considering all the possible obstacles. really challanging but not that enthusiastic.. to be sure I added beamertool to firewall, both old and new version. Closed The Artnominator to avoid conflics on listening ports, tried use the LAN IP and no results yet.
    I'm using also beamerclient supposind I've to load a texture before drive it with dmx, I see it but it's not moving.
    I see in listening ports that new beamertool using the UDP 12000 *while old the 12000 tcp (???) and the DMXC is outputting at 6454, but I can' change it to 12000 to try it.. very strange here..
    6454 is used by lumox, maybe because of this? why it uses it, I didn't enabled DMX in

  • Lumos is DMXControl.
    I newer get the Windows Beamertool working over Artnet (only over the Beamertoolcontroler?.exe)
    But the RPi Beamertool worked just fine.

    Was mit Gaffer nicht klebt, ist kaputt! :rolleyes:

    Je mehr Käse desto mehr Löcher
    Je mehr Löcher desto weniger Käse
    Je mehr Käse desto weniger Käse :thumbup:

  • Ok I'm running beamertool in another pc, he opens there correctly 6454, I charge inside a texture by beamerclient, on other pc im'm writing values into Artnet. I'm veryfy them, all correct, it should broadcast them, i also tried to change subnet and universe in different combinations. Beamertool doesn't react at all, new or old version the same.
    I can't press "i" on beamertool to see if receive packets because it crash, so i don't know if it can catch them
    I tried everything, rally, I don't know what to do, i've lost hours around that.

    What I'm writing is a post wrote one hour ago and something went wrong when I sent it. I report it, now I got that all the efforts are useless, would knew it before.. why beamertool has artnet if it doesn't work? Mistery :(

    I got about Beamertoolcontroler.exe, but where can I download it? thank you!

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