DMXControl Convention 2022 - Special No. 5 - Good Night

Actually, this today's program point should be completed already with the previous year. At least everything was already prepared for it. But since we spent a long evening and fun evening with "Schlag DMXControl 3", we now caught up with this game today. A game for the whole team, where everyone was working together towards a common goal: the construction of a figure out of large-size clamp bricks, where the assembly instructions, however, were a bit disjointed. It was only through an exchange at the language level through two walls that all teams were able to get the missing information. Outsiders noticed that the approaches were of a technical nature.
Otherwise, further discussions within the individual teams or within other smaller groups were on the agenda. With all the discussions, time flew by, so that by now many have already taken their sleeping places in the residential building or even in the Stadl. Tomorrow the night will end much earlier: our annual general meeting will already start at 09:30.
Your DMXControl-Team
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