dmxcontrol 3.0 beta 3 opendmx usb interface probleme

  • bonjour, je suis francais et vu qu'il n'y a pas de forum en francais je vais essayer de m'exprimer en anglais

    i'm using dmx control 2.12 and all it's ok, my opendmx usb interface (kmtronic) is working normally
    on a pc windows xp pro 32 based.
    problem : the dmx device is not responding only with dmxcontrol 3.0
    in the windows dmx interfaces when i activate "interface enabled" and "dmx out enabled" the green led of the interface turn on
    before in the advanced interface settings i choose the device on the list

    at this time it's ok

    but when i move the fader on the device , the dmx device is not responding.

    thanks for your help

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